Art Direction & Motion Design for film / television / technology

God of Small Things



Self Directed / Photography / Editing / Color Grading / Animation

Collaborator + Comrade

Sumit Seru

God of Small Things is a collaborative short film created by fellow motion designer / director Sumit Seru and myself. We were both eager to create something beyond our daily duties as designers, so we put aside some time and dreamed up the idea of shooting an interpretive microscopy film.

The first thing we did was visit Toys "R" Us with the hope of finding a cheap and effective microscope. I will take this opportunity to say: you will not be able to find or purchase high quality microscopy equipment at Toys "R" Us. Please believe me, we tried, and after a few disappointing experiments, I resolved to contact a friend who is a science teacher. Of course, she had a plethora of amazing equipment including a compound microscope.

Thank you thank you thank you, Lana.

The title is inspired by a book from author Arundhati Roy. Music used courtesy of the amazing and wonderful Icelandic band múm. For the record, Toys "R" Us is a wonderful place, and I recommend everyone visit there at least once. With or without your kids.


...the secret of the Great Stories is that they have no secrets. The Great Stories are the ones you have heard and want to hear again. The ones you can enter anywhere and inhabit comfortably. They don’t deceive you with thrills and trick endings.
— Arundhati Roy

A short experimental film made in collaboration with motion designer and creative director Sumit Seru way back when we were young. Tabletop microscopy, intervalometer, Canon 30D. Music: Green Grass of Tunnels by Múm


Self Directed / Photography / Editing / Color