Art Direction & Motion Design for film / television / technology

BMW: Unscripted



Design / Animation / Illustration / VFX


Digital Kitchen


BMW: Unscripted is a series of mini-documentaries created by Digital Kitchen about curiously unique people who absolutely love their BMW's.

I designed the Unscripted title card sequence which appears across all the documentaries, and for the "Georgia & Luca" installment in the series I was asked to research old BMW archival footage and create animations and scenes that felt similar in tone.

If you would like to watch the rest of the documentaries, and I assure you they are all quite lovely, please visit the BMW YouTube playlist. Grant, for example, is a man who meets with meerkats in the desert in his BMW.

This is not a joke.


This is a very strange car. One cylinder. One spark plug. This is a crazy car.
— Luca Ferrari

Unscripted is a series of mini-documentaries created by Digital Kitchen about curiously unique people who absolutely love their BMW's. Check out the BMW YouTube playlist to watch them all if you wish.


Illustration / Motion / VFX